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Offered Courses for Exchange Students

Architecture and Design

Winter Term

  • Building Construction 10 ECTS
    2. Year, Focus on Steel Construction
  • Design Studio 10 ECTS
    2. Year, Housing Project
  • City Planning 2 ECTS
  • Elective Courses

Summer Term

  • Building Construction 10 ECTS
    2. Year, Focus on Timber Construction
  • Design Studio 10 ECTS
    2. Year, Different Topics
  • Design Studio 10 ECTS
    3. Year, Different Topics
  • Excursion (one week)
  • Elective Courses 2 ECTS

Business Administration (Bachelor and Master)

available in winter and summer term

Financial Processes in ERP-System (onsite lecture) - 5 ECTS (only winter semester)

The focus of this module is to teach the fundamentals of information processing in Financials, Accounting and Controlling. This includes the management of master data and generation of process data and the integration between the individual functional areas. The exercises take place in a model company based on the worldwide leading ERP-Software S4H from SAP.

Logistic Processes in ERP-System (onsite lecture) - 5 ECTS (only summer semester)

The focus of this module is to teach the fundamentals of information processing in Materials Management, Procurement and Sales. This includes the management of master data and generation of process data and the integration into Accounting and Controlling. The exercises take place in a model company based on the worldwide leading ERP-Software S4H from SAP.

Information and Communication (onsite lecture) - 5 ECTS (only winter semester)

The focus of this module is to teach the participants how to use information technology to organize business processes in an organization. Furthermore, the participants gain knowledge about the interface between the information systems and the corporate management. They can develop approaches to implementing IT systems, taking into account the business needs and to analyze, evaluate and implement basic concepts, requirements in terms of Business-IT-alignment.

Managing Projects and Business Simulation (onsite lecture) - 5 ECTS (only summer semester)

Part I “Management of Projects”

Definition and negotiation of practice-oriented objectives/agreements; Development of realistic timetables and setting of mile stones; transferring and designing of adequate project budgets; progress monitoring and control of budget/quality in the course of the project; management of the communication in an interdisciplinary area; risk management and development of emergency plans; Practical exercises will be done in an integrative project management software based on SAP ERP.

Part II “Business Simulation”

Learning of essential measures of value of business management, methods and tools to implement value-oriented business management into practice.

Application of learned knowledge based on a business game (cases, case studies, business planning, etc.).

Gives summary of strategic management; summary of main methods of value-oriented management (shareholder value, EVA, DCF, CFROI etc.) and elements of Economic Value Added (WACC, NOPAT, EBIT, etc.).

Implementation of the theoretical model into practice (benchmark, value driver, combination with planning processes, incentive systems, systems of compensation etc., process organization); practical implementation of the gained skills by an interactive, PC based business.

Fintechs, Disruption & Future Banking (on site lecture) – 5 ECTS (Variable in summer or winter semester)

The module covers current trends in the areas of future banking, disruption, digital transformation and innovative financing. Based on selected practical examples, this module explores the question of which innovative business models FinTechs are using on the market, whether they have the potential or are even designed to creatively destroy traditional financial service providers, or whether not rather a complementary approach is being pursued.

Investment Banking (on site lecture) – 5 ECTS (Variable in summer or winter semester)

The module covers current trends in the areas of future banking, disruption, digital transformation and innovative financing. Based on selected practical examples, this module explores the question of which innovative business models FinTechs are using on the market, whether they have the potential or are even designed to creatively destroy traditional financial service providers, or whether not rather a complementary approach is being pursued.

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (onsite lecture) - 5 ECTS (Variable in summer or winter semester)

The focus is on machine learning methods, which in recent years have been applied to many areas. An intuitive introduction of the key concepts, methods and models is provided, and learning from data is positioned as an alternative to the traditional algorithm design-based approach by humans. Questions like: "What is 'machine learning', really?", "How does an automatic credit check work?" or "What ethical problems might result from using these techniques?" are answered.

Project in Business Information Processing (onsite) - 5 ECTS (Every semester)

The module is carried out in form of a project in cooperation with a local company. Participants are divided into groups with a maximum of six students. A task out the field of business intelligence and controlling is presented and described to the team by the selected company. Students have to work on this task as a team independently within one semester and bring it to the conclusion in the form of a presentation and a project report.

The project is controlled by the lecturer in a milestone-oriented manner. The students have to set up a work break down structure, to define time schedule and to assign the work packages to individual students. They have to use dedicated IT-Tools to solve this project management tasks. Students have to complete the previously defined work packages at the respective milestone and provide a report on the targeted requirements. The milestone results are collected in the form of joure fixes and documented as protocol.

Topics of the project are based on current issues in local companies and vary from semester to semester. Topics will be presented and explained to the students at the beginning of the seminar.

Seminar in Business Information Processing (onsite) - 5 ECTS (Every semester)

The aim of the seminar is to introduce the students to the independent, scientific work as well as preparation for the thesis. Within the framework of the seminar, the following competencies in the field of business informatics will be given:

  • independent assessment of new developments in information technology and their opportunities and risks for the business administration
  • identifying the success factors for a meaningful integration information technology in the company
  • covering of business requirements by information technology in individual cases
  • elaboration of a position and argumentative justification of own opinion
  • ability to write down the facts and own opinions and to present them freely in presentation.

Topics of the seminar are based on current developments in business informatics and administration and vary from semester to semester and can be set up individually to facilitate credit at home university. Topics will be presented and explained to the students at the beginning of the seminar. Students must select a topic and edit it according to the following structure:

  • exposé
  • presentation
  • written seminar paper

Fundamentals of Strategic Management (online-lecture) - 5 ECTS (Every semester)

In the course "Fundamentals of Strategic Management" students acquire fundamental knowledge about key aspects of strategic management. The course can be attended without any prerequisites although having attended an introduction course to general management can be helpful.

The course covers fundamental aspects of strategic management such as main terms, the strategic management process and the corporate environment in which strategic management happens. The subsequent chapters then cover strategic analysis followed by strategy formulation and strategy implementation.

English Classes (onsite lecture) - 5 ECTS (Every semester)

Please find interdisciplinary and language courses below.

English Classes - 5 ECTS

Please find interdisciplinary and language courses below.

German Classes - 5 ECTS

Please find interdisciplinary and language courses below.

Further lectures in marketing, finance, information and communication can be arranged individually.

Social Work and Health (Bachelor and Master)

Social Work (Bachelor)

Summer Term

  •  International Approaches of Social Work and Human Rights (Voluntary Seminar) - 5 or 2,5 ECTS
  •  Issues and Approaches of Global Learning (Project Seminar (Service Learning)) - 6 ECTS
  •  International Issues in Social Work (Voluntary Seminar) - 5 or 2,5 ECTS
  •  Social Economy (Lecture SoSe MA) - 5 ECTS
  •  Human Resource Management and Organisation Theory (Lecture SoSe MA) - 5 ECTS

Winter Term

  •  International Approaches of Social Work and Human Rights (Voluntary Seminar) - 5 or 2,5 ECTS
  •  Issues and Approaches of Global Learning (Project Seminar (Service Learning)) - 5 ECTS
  •  European and International Social Work (Specialisation Module) - 10 ECTS
  •  International Issues in Social Work (Voluntary Seminar) - 5 or 2,5 ECTS
  •  Cultural and Social Management & Marketing and Fundraising (Specialisation Module) - 10 ECTS

Integrative Health Promotion (Bachelor)

Winter Term

  • English for Health Professions

Winter Term

  • Introduction to Health Promotion
  • Ethics in Health Promotion

Health Promotion (Master)

Winter Term

  • Science qolloquium

Technology, Science and Computer Science (Bachelor and Master)

Automation Technology and Robotics (Bachelor)

Summer and Winter Term

  • Seminar Automation and Robotics - 5 ECTS
  • Project Automation and Robotics - 5 ECTS

Automotive Technology (Bachelor)

  • International Supply Chain Management - 5 ECTS
  • Project Work in Mechatronics - 5 ECTS
  • Bachelor's thesis - 12 ECTS
  • Getting a scientific foundation for the Bachelor's thesis- 11 ECTS

Bioanalytics (Bachelor)

  • Omics-Technologies and the challenges of high-throughput data (elective course) - 3 ECTS
  • Innovation management (elective course) - 3 ECTS
  • Immunological Kits (elective course) - 3 ECTS
  • Food Microbiology (elective course) - 3 ECTS
  • Flow Cytometry (elective course) - 3 ECTS
  • Protein analysis by mass spectrometry (elective course) - 3 ECTS

Computer Science (Bachelor)

Summer Term

  • Computer Science Seminar - 5 ECTS

Winter Term

  • Software Engineering Project - 5 ECTS
  • Computer Science Seminar - 5 ECTS
  • Computer Vision - 5 ECTS

Computer Sciene (Master)

Summer Term

  • Parallel Computing
  • Advanced Computer Graphics
  • Mixed Reality
  • Data Mining
  • Condition Monitoring

Winter Term

  • Advanced Topics in Human-Machine Systems
  • Advanced Coputer Vision
  • Advanced Data Mining
  • Internet of Things

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Bachelor)

Summer and Winter Term

  • Project Electrical Engineering and Information Technology - 5 ECTS
  • Seminar Electrical Engineering and Information Technology - 5 ECTS

Engineering Physics (Bachelor)

Emerging Technologies (Bachelor)

Please note: Courses are just offered in winter term.

Mathematical Methods of Physics (onsite-lecture; exercises; laboratory experiments / 6 hours per week; 8 ECTS)

Understanding of the requirement of mathematical procedures for the solution of problems from physics. Ability to apply mathematical standard operations on typical problems from physics, in particular integral transforms, differential equations, systems of ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations. Recognition of limitations of standard operations and understanding with respect to the development of advanced mathematical methods beyond standard operations.

Physics V (Advanced Solid State) (onsite-lecture with internship; exercises; laboratory experiments / 4 hours per week 5 ECTS)

  • Knowledge of physical properties of solids. Understanding of their technological applications.
  • Understanding of methods for the measurement fundamental physical properties of solids.
  • Basic knowledge of quantum physical description of solids.

Physics VI (Quantum P. Concepts, Atomic & Nuclear Phys.) (onsite-lecture; exercises; laboratory experiments / 4 hours per week; 5 ECTS)

  • Knowledge of quantum physical concepts and their application to simple systems.
  • Ability to perform fundamental experiments from atomic and nuclear physics.
  • Knowledge of the atomic structure and the fundamental understanding of atomic and molecular spectra.
  • Understanding of the structure of nuclei, the radioactive decay and simple nuclear reactions, including their technical applications.
  • Introduction in molecular physics.

Materials Science (onsite-lecture; exercises; laboratory experiments /4 hours per week; 5 ECTS)

Students are enabled to understand the basic facts of material science. Furthermore, they get explained topical keywords, whose knowledge allows them to realize and to describe fundamental relationships.
Content: Introduction to the science of metallic materials with particular consideration of the dependence of material properties from processing treatments. Compilation and interpretation of phase diagrams. Introduction into the technology of plastics, ceramics, special and compound materials. Introduction to material testing methods and standards.

Comp. Based Meas. Technol. (onsite-lecture; exercises; laboratory experiments / 4 hours per week; 5 ECTS)

Knowledge and basic understanding of measurement principles, hardware (e.g. amplifier circuits, ADC types, interfaces) and measurement procedures (e.g. sampling, windowing).

Ability to produces measurement software with the graphical programming language LabVIEW. Ability to solve measurement problems autonomously (selection of hardware, programming, data analysis)

Development and Management in Mechanical Engineering and Automotive Construction (Master)

  • Scientific Engineering Project 1 - 5 ECTS
  • Scientific Engineering Project 2 - 5 ECTS
  • Master´s Thesis - 30 ECTS

Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor)

  • Mechanical Engineering Scientific Project - 7 ECTS
  • Bachelor's thesis - 12 ECTS

Power Engineering and Renewable Energies (Bachelor)

Summer and Winter Term

  • Project Renewable Energy
  • Seminar Renewable Energy

Visual Computing (Bachelor)

Winter Term

  • Computer Vision

Interdisciplinary and language courses

winter term

General English Modul 1 - 5 ECTS


Most participants have learned English in school for years, but are still unsure when asked to speak. Therefore, overcoming your inhibitions so that communicating in English comes more naturally is one goal of the courses. But you will practice and improve a variety of language skills:

  • listening: understanding spoken English in true-to-life situations, developing listening strategies
  • speaking: speaking more freely, improving the skills you already have
  • reading: understanding authentic texts covering a wide range of topics, improving reading skills and strategies (that apply in your native language, too)
  • writing: composing formal and informal texts (letters, articles, reports, etc.)

In Module 1 and Module 2 we work on the basics of language learning, including vocabulary development and grammar skills. In the related intensive week course Preparation for the Cambridge “B2 First” Examination, we concentrate on practicing for the Cambridge English “B2 First” examination, NOT on vocabulary or grammar.

Advanced General English Module 1 - 5 ECTS


You already feel confident about using the English language and you are interested in improving your academic English skills. This course offers you the opportunity to do just this and to prepare for the Cambridge English “C1 Advanced” examination, which you might need for your post-graduate studies or if you intend to study abroad.

The main language input will consist of:

  • speaking: pair work
  • writing techniques for formal and informal texts
  • training of listening strategies
  • lexical development in academic topic areas
  • reading practice
  • a clear syllabus of advanced grammar topics

In Module 1 and Module 2 we work on the basics of language learning, including vocabulary development and grammar skills. In the related intensive week course Preparation for the Cambridge “C1 Advanced” Examination, we concentrate on practicing for the Cambridge English “C1 Advanced” examination, NOT on vocabulary or grammar.

summer term

General English Modul 2 - 5 ECTS


This course is the second of two General English courses: Module 1 in winter semester and Module 2 in summer semester. These two courses, along with the intensive week course Preparation for the Cambridge “First” Examination, will prepare you to take the Cambridge English “First (FCE)” examination if you choose to do so.

Information regarding the Cambridge English examinations can be found here.
Scroll down to the First or the Advanced examination.


Most participants have learned English in school for years, but are still unsure when they have to speak. Therefore, overcoming your inhibitions so that communicating in English comes more naturally is one goal of the courses. But you will practice and improve a variety of language skills:

  • listening: understanding spoken English in true-to-life situations, developing listening strategies
  • speaking: speaking more freely, improving the skills you already have
  • reading: understanding authentic texts covering a wide range of topics, improving reading skills and strategies (that apply in your native language, too)
  • writing: composing formal and informal texts (letters, articles, reports, etc.)

In Module 1 and Module 2 we work on the basics of language learning, including vocabulary development and grammar skills. In the related intensive week course Preparation for the Cambridge “First” Examination, we concentrate on practicing for the Cambridge English “First (FCE)” examination, NOT on vocabulary or grammar.

Advanced General English Module 2 - 5 ECTS


This course is the second of two Advanced General English courses: Module 1 in winter semester and Module 2 in summer semester. These two courses, along with the intensive week course Preparation for the Cambridge “Advanced” Examination, will prepare you to take the Cambridge English “Advanced (CAE)” examination if you choose to do so.

Information regarding the Cambridge English examinations can be found here
Scroll down to the First or the Advanced examination.


You already feel confident about using the English language and you are interested in improving your academic English skills. This course offers you the opportunity to do just this and to prepare for the Cambridge English “Advanced (CAE)” examination, which you might need for your post-graduate studies or if you intend to study abroad.

The main language input will consist of:

  • speaking: pair work
  • writing techniques for formal and informal texts
  • training of listening strategies
  • lexical development in academic topic areas
  • reading practice
  • a clear syllabus of advanced grammar topics

In Module 1 and Module 2 we work on the basics of language learning, including vocabulary development and grammar skills. In the related intensive week course Preparation for the Cambridge “Advanced” Examination, we concentrate on practicing for the Cambridge English “Advanced (CAE)” examination, NOT on vocabulary or grammar.

winter and summer term

General German Courses (different levels) / German as a foreign language A1-C1 - 5 ECTS

Meetings and Presentations - 5 ECTS


Whatever you choose to do in your career, you will very likely attend meetings or make presentations in English. This course gives you an opportunity to improve your oral communication skills (listening and speaking) so that you will be successful in these challenges. We will consider the organization of meetings and presentations and the language you will need in them, and you will practice the skills we discuss in a relaxed atmosphere.

Among other topics, we will discuss how you can:

  • achieve your own objectives,
  • meet the expectations of the audience,
  • anticipate and answer the difficult question, and
  • deal with cultural diversity.


  • You will learn to chair and participate in various kinds of meetings successfully, practice questioning techniques and other communication strategies.
  • You will systematically be taken through the key stages of preparing and giving presentations, including planning, introducing and concluding your presentation, as well as handling questions.

Academic Documentation - 5 ECTS


Whatever you choose to do in your career, the international language is English. The aims of this course are to prepare you to understand the nature of English academic writing, to recognize cultural differences in academic writing styles and to write an academic paper to a publishable standard. Furthermore, we will discuss the problem of academic dishonesty, and how to avoid plagiarism.

There is no final (Klausur) for the course as the work is graded from a submission of a portfolio covering the material you will write during the semester.

Spanish - 5 ECTS

Special Language German: Economics - 5 ECTS

Dieser studienbegleitende, modular aufgebaute Fachsprachkurs wird speziell für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften (1.-3. Semester) angeboten, die ihre Deutschkenntnisse nach erfolgreich bestandener Deutschprüfung (z.B. TestDaF, DSH o.a.) in der Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch ausbauen wollen.

Inhalte sind:

  • Mündliche Kommunikation in Hochschule und Praktikum (Präsentationen, Diskussionsbeiträge in Seminaren und Meetings)
  • Entwicklung von Hör- und Lesestrategien (z.B. Mitschrift einer Vorlesung)
  • Fachtextproduktion nach wissenschaftlichen Standards (Literaturangaben, Aufbau, Struktur)
  • Fach- und wissenschaftssprachliche Wortschatz- und Grammatikarbeit
  • Schaubilder, Grafiken, Tabellen etc. in einen Text einbinden

Special Language German: Engineering - 5 ECTS

Dieser studienbegleitende, modular aufgebaute Fachsprachkurs wird speziell für Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften (1.-3. Semester) angeboten, die ihre Deutschkenntnisse nach erfolgreich bestandener Deutschprüfung (z.B. TestDaF, DSH o.a.) in der Wissenschaftssprache Deutsch ausbauen wollen.

Inhalte sind:

  • Mündliche Kommunikation in Hochschule und Praktikum (Präsentationen, Diskussionsbeiträge in Seminaren und Meetings)
  • Entwicklung von Hör- und Lesestrategien (z.B. Mitschrift einer Vorlesung)
  • Fachtextproduktion nach wissenschaftlichen Standards (Literaturangaben, Aufbau, Struktur)
  • Fach- und wissenschaftssprachliche Wortschatz- und Grammatikarbeit
  • Schaubilder, Grafiken, Tabellen etc. in einen Text einbinden

Virtual University of Bavaria

Web design, e-publishing, introduction to medicine, Russian, Swedish, Italian and much more ... This is what the Virtual University of Bavaria (vhb) offers. All of the vhb's online courses are available to students at Coburg University free of charge - even during the practical semester. The vhb is an association of Bavarian universities. The online courses come from lecturers from all Bavarian universities and colleges. This also includes numerous English-language offers.

The vhb also offers open courses at university level at that are available to everyone, regardless of whether they are students.