Projektgruppe Applied Digital Transformation

Applied Digital Transformation

In a Nutshell

Bachelor Program:
Applied Digital Transformation
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Program start:
winter semester (October 1)
Instruction language:
German (level C1 required)
professionally qualified by:
- completed vocational training with three years of work experience
- Completed further training examination
school qualified by:
- general higher education entrance qualification
- subject-related higher education entrance qualification
- entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences
May 02 - August 15

Practice-oriented study of digital transformation

In times of digital change, the present is often already the past before we realise it. But what does this mean for the future, when digital technology is constantly reshuffling the cards in our lives and work? And how can companies lead this technological change and not be driven by it? The emergence of new technologies offers both service companies and industry numerous potentials that need to be identified and harnessed. Therefore, the world needs doers who want to shape change with their own ideas and new digital solutions and boldly break new ground in companies as interfaces between different departments or as founders. The digital revolution needs its gamechangers who not only understand new technologies, but can also fully recognise their potential and inspire others with them. Or in short: it needs you!

What matters in a bachelor's degree on digital transformation

In Applied Digital Transformation, the essential skills for digital transformation are taught in a practical way. In addition to an understanding of data, technologies and programming, you will also learn how to deal with creative innovation methods and prototyping processes such as 3D printing. As a graduate of Applied Digital Transformation, you will be able to evaluate innovative technologies across industries and make them usable for products, processes or business models.

However, the question of which technology has a future is ultimately answered by the people who will use it. For this reason, by the end of your studies you will be familiar with the technical background of digital change as well as its cultural and business management hurdles. As a graduate, your skills include initiating company-wide change processes and inspiring people with new ideas. In our computer age, people may not always be everything, but without people, all technology is nothing.

This is one of the reasons why the degree programme pursues an innovative concept, which enables you to gain depth in content as well as a high degree of practical orientation and thus develop your skills. Mere knowledge transfer - colloquially known as rote learning - no longer meets the requirements for the future, because you have to "study differently" than in the past.

Study differently: High practical orientation and more depth

In order to become an Expert:in for digital transformation, you will go through a teaching-learning concept tailored to you as a student, which provides a combination of theoretical knowledge input and practical transfer performance. Each of your courses is taught using real examples from practice and with companies from the region. This means that you not only get to know real challenges from everyday working life, but also experience team and project work from the very beginning of your studies. In a practical study semester, you can also deepen your skills in a company during the course of your studies and thus make valuable contacts for your career. Applied Digital Transformation is so practice-oriented that you can already gain professional experience during your studies. And if you have already gained this through an apprenticeship before the start of your studies: all the better! Thanks to our close cooperation with the Coburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, we are able to credit the skills you have acquired in your professional life towards your studies, so that the duration of your studies is shortened accordingly.

Unlike conventional degree programmes, Applied Digital Transformations has a sequential course. This means that you complete one thematic course after the other and do not have to attend them in parallel during the semester with divergent content focuses as is usually the case. This allows you to concentrate completely on one subject area and consolidate your knowledge. In addition, this eliminates the usual exam weeks at the end of a semester, during which your fellow students from other, conventional degree programmes have to complete several exams within a few days.


If technology is only as good as the person who uses it, then this also applies to a degree programme. Our mission is your competence development. This is what we want to promote individually in your Bachelor's degree programme. That's why we at Applied Digital Transformation attach great importance to personal exchange beyond the purely academic level.

My name is Christian Grosch and I'm your contact person for the Applied Digital Transformation degree programme. Are you curious about the degree programme and do you want to know if it suits you and your ideas or are you looking for more information about the content of the degree programme? Then just send me an email or give me a call without any obligation!

Christian Grosch
T. +49 (0)9561 317-286
Room 9-116


I am Prof. Dr. Christian Zagel and developer of the Applied Digital Transformation degree programme. As a business information scientist and through my work as Senior Manager IT Innovation & Technology at Adidas, I became aware over time of what ultimately makes the sustainable success of ideas. In addition to bringing together a wide variety of thinking perspectives, technology must always be thought of together with the human component. Making these years of experience as well as insights tangible and applicable for students motivated me to develop Applied Digital Transformation. How much I burn for digital innovation? See for yourself when I open our FabLab workshop in Kronach with my RFID chip implanted in my hand.

Christian Zagel
T. +49 (0)9561 317-118
Room 9-116

Course content

Your degree programme is made up of courses in the three thematic blocks Soft & Cross-Skills, Innovation & Change and Applied Digital Technology. Within your first 5 semesters, you will learn everything that has to do with digital change - sequentially and thus building on each other.

In addition to basic business-related topics such as project and innovation management, psychological content and scientific work in general also make up the soft and cross-skills block. Innovation & Change is dedicated entirely to the topic of creativity and transformation. Among other things, you learn how to use innovation methods and rapid prototyping to develop and implement your own ideas and which framework conditions are favourable for this in a company. The Applied Digital Technology subject area teaches you all relevant technologies in terms of hardware and software - from the basics of programming and data science to human-machine interaction and technology architecture as in the Internet of Things. These first five semesters are followed by a practical semester and a final seminar on entrepreneurship as well as your final thesis.

career perspectives

Since the digital transformation affects all areas of our lives, the doors are open to you as a graduate of the Applied Digital Transformation degree programme across all industries - because all companies are looking for innovative professionals like you who can use their expertise to ensure that their own products and services remain competitive. And not just in Upper Franconia, but worldwide. Thanks to the broad orientation of your degree programme across various disciplines, you hold all the trump cards for your future.

The degree programme was developed in close cooperation with the Coburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Upper Franconian Chamber of Industry and Commerce and local companies and is thus geared to the current and future demand for skilled workers. Whether it's the introduction of new software, networking in the Internet of Things or data analysis in industrial production: Your potential fields of activity are as broad after graduation as during. The diverse job profiles range from innovation and project management to product development and data analytics in areas such as e-commerce or marketing. Or they can even lead to the founding of a company with your own product and service idea after graduation. With our network, which includes regional companies and associations, we actively support you on your path as a transformation expert.