Coming:Mint impresses
Coburg is an attractive city for living and studying. The online platform COming:MINT shows this to students from German schools abroad. 14 students from Genoa tested now the new online-platform.
Germany needs technical offspring. That is the reason why German universities intensify the exchange of students. Coburg University applied for the project MINTernational from the Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft. The idea is to give interested students an impression of Coburg University, its MINT-courses and student advisement services. Graduates from German schools abroad are very attractive as applicants for German Universities because their A-level is comparable to the German Abitur.
The 14 students from Genua are exploring Bavaria at the moment and stopped by in Coburg. They could test the online platform as one of the first users. The students receive information about studying in Coburg and also have access to an Online-consulting tool for a secure and safe advisement via video chat.
The Italian students were very impressed by the platform COming:MINT. Alessia Campazzo, who is thinking about studying Bioanalysis, is happy to find information at the online platform: “The personal contact is very important for me, especially right before deciding what to study”.