Prof. Gemma Koppen
Fields of Teaching and Research
- Design of hospitals and healthcare buildings (Architecture for Health)
- Design of preventive, curative and rehabilitative environments (PAKARA model)
- Architectural psychology in the design process
- Evidence Based Design (EBD)
- Influence of architecture and interior design on spatial perception and stress experience
- Influence of Architecture and Interior Design on Psychosocial Health and Recovery (Healing Architecture)
University Activities
- Internship representative
- Women's representative (currently in candidacy)
Professional Memberships
- Section Head of Architectural Psychology in the Institute for Applied Psychology in Architecture and Oncology, GAPAO e.V.
Curriculum Vitae
2023-2024: Exhibition of 15 years of research and development work in the exhibition Das Kranke(n)haus. How Architecture Helps to Heal of the Architekturmuseum der TUM in the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich
since 2023: Professor of Design and Health at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Design
2020-2021: Visiting Professorship of Architecture and Health at the Technical University of Munich at the chair of Prof. Florian Nagler and at the chair of Prof. Hannelore Deubzer
2019: Foundation of Kopvol architecture & psychology Berlin
2009: Foundation of the architecture and research office Kopvol architecture & psychology Rotterdam, NL
2006-2008: Architect at Herzog & DeMeuron, Basel, CH
2002-2005: Design of the Temporary International Criminal Court, The Hague, NL
2001-2006: Architect at the Supreme Building Authority of the Netherlands /Rijksgebouwendienst, The Hague
1998-2001: Assistant Professor at Columbia University, NYC, USA and the University of Kassel alongside Prof. Lars Spuybroek
1996-1997: Studies in Advanced Architectural Design at Columbia University, NYC, USA
1993-1994: Fullbright scholarship holder and studies in Urban Design Pratt Institute, New York City, USA
1990-1991: Erasmus Scholarship in Architecture at the Escuela Tecnica Superior De Barcelona, ES
1989-1996: Studies of architecture at Delft University of Technology, NL